

Artwork by Augusta Wood (Detail)

Augusta Wood is a visual artist.

Using photography as a fluid and flexible medium rather than an empirically finite one, Augusta Wood investigates the overlap and continuity of perceived time. Working through a collage-like process, Wood constructs images through overlays and combinations of otherwise separate pictures to synthesize new convergences of history, time and place. At times they verge on the idiosyncratic composition of drawing, while at others they read as spectral or haunted spontaneities and observations. Wood’s images explore the recession and emergence of the past and future in any given moment of the present, and the before, after, and eventual are conflated to blur their edges. Inevitably, the simultaneous feeling of presence and absence resonates throughout her work, as one indelibly defines the other in perpetuity.

Augusta Wood received her MFA from the California Institute of the Arts and her BFA from the Cooper Union. Her photographs are included in the permanent collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), and The George Eastman Museum. Wood’s work has been the subject of solo shows, and has been featured in group exhibitions at LACMA, The George Eastman Museum (New York), Torrance Art Museum (California), Anton Kern Gallery (New York), and The Maki Collection (Japan), among others. Her work has been written about in the Los Angeles Times, Modern Painters, The Huffington Post, Artillery Magazine, Flaunt Magazine, and featured in Harper’s Magazine.

Wood lives and works in Los Angeles.

Curriculum Vitae