Looking forward to the upcoming two person exhibition at Galerie Philine Cremer in Düsseldorf, Germany during Düsseldorf Photo Weekend titled Cityscapes. I will be exhibiting prints from my series Nebulous which was originally commissioned by DIS Magazine to accompany Rob Kitchin’s essay “Continuous Geosurveillance in the ‘Smart City’”. In addition to my own works, Cityscapes features prints by artist Xiao Xiao who also works with the urban landscape. If you find yourself in Düsseldorf for Düsseldorf Photo Weekend, please be sure to come by the exhibition!

Düsseldorf Photo Weekend
Galerie Philine Cremer

Ackerstraße 23, 40233
Düsseldorf, Germany
Opening Reception Friday, February 3rd at 6PM.

Special opening hours during Düsseldorf Photo Weekend- February 3rd 6-9 pm (opening reception)- February 4th 12-8 pm- February 5th 12-6 pm

I can’t thank you all enough! My monograph, TRANSLATIONS, is now fully funded with 16 days left in the campaign! Thank you so much for not only your supporting efforts, but also for sticking with me in all of my emails and updates. It is really greatly appreciated. Myself and Aint–Bad very much look forward to sharing this monograph with you. There are still some pre-sale books available for purchase through the Kickstarter up until the 11th of August!

Again, thank you for your continued support.


About to pass $6,000 in our campaign to fund my new monograph Translations! Again I cannot thank everyone enough who has contributed to our Kickstarter campaign so far. Myself and the good folks over at Aint–Bad are super excited to get this book out in the world. 

If you can I would love for you to consider backing our project! So many great rewards. In fact a limited edition version of this unreleased image above that is part of a new body of work that is yet to be released is included on the rewards! Would love your help –


Transposition #6
ed. of 5

Thanks to all who have donated and supported the Kickstarter for my new monograph so far. Myself and those over at Aint–Bad are working hard to keep our momentum up and we are ecstatic to say that we are just over 60% funded with 24 days still left to go.

Additionally, we have added yet another great reward for those interested in backing the project. Sedition has kindly donated 30 editions of the video version of my image untitled9 from my series //_PATH – you can visit our Kickstarter page for more details.